Fat Burning Drink Administrator  

What Are Fat Burning Drinks?

Americans spend more than $2 billion a year on weight-loss pills. If you’ve been having a hard time losing weight, you may have considered taking a pill that has been advertised as a fat burner. But do these so-called “fat-burning drinks” work? And are they safe?

Fat burners are a supplement that contains natural or artificial compounds. These supplements are supposed to help you slim down. Fat-burning drinks work by increasing your resting metabolic rate. The active ingredients help get rid of body fat. However, research is still needed on the effects of ingredients like caffeine on your heart rate and blood pressure. 

Does Fat Burning Drink Work?

The answer? Maybe.

Studies have shown that fat burner supplements might not work the way you want them to. Instead, they attempt to drive weight loss in other ways. They might:

  • Increase your metabolism, so you burn more calories. 
  • Reduce the amount of fat your gut absorbs.  
  • Suppress your appetite, so you consume fewer calories.  

Fat burners work in theory. However, it all depends on the ingredients. Since fat burner supplements aren’t FDA-approved, you can’t always be sure what’s inside. 

What are the Ingredients in Fat Burning Drink?

Fat-burning drinks typically contain a range of vitamins, minerals, fiber, caffeine, herbs, and other plants.


Caffeine stimulates your nervous system and might help burn calories. But supplements can contain a lot more caffeine than coffee, tea, chocolate, or other natural sources. Too much caffeine can cause nervousness, jitteriness, insomnia — and even a dangerously high heart rate.  

Green tea extract

This is another common ingredient because green tea helps burn calories and reduce the fat you absorb from food.


This compound helps with your metabolism and gives you energy. It’s found in many types of meat and dairy products, and your liver and kidneys make it naturally. But research on its weight-loss benefits is mixed. Too much carnitine can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and a fishy body odor.  


This is another plant compound that comes from the bark of an evergreen tree. It’s common in fat burner supplements but can cause negative effects. Yohimbe can cause: 

  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Heart problems
  • Kidney failure

Soluble fiber 

Some fat burners contain ingredients high in soluble fiber. Fiber doesn’t increase fat burn but it helps control appetite. And soluble fiber can help prevent your body from absorbing some of the fat from the foods you eat. Some fiber-rich ingredients common in supplements include:  

  • Beta-glucans. 
  • Glucomannan. 
  • Guar gum. 

Other ingredients 

Fat burners can contain many other ingredients, too, such as: 

  • Capsicum. 
  • Conjugated linoleic acid. 
  • Forskolin. 
  • Garcinia cambogia. 
  • Raspberry ketones. 

Before taking these supplements, you should talk to your doctor. Their ingredients may interfere with other medications you are taking. Fat burners can be dangerous and cause severe problems if mixed with the wrong drugs.
If you do want to try a fat burner supplement and have talked to your doctor, you can also check out websites run by the U.S. Office of Dietary Supplements to find the best supplements for you.

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